1. Polytech
  2. SAAS
  3. Team


SAAS - Service d'Automatique et Analyse des Systèmes

Building L, Door E, Level 3 (entrance via L2.210)
Office location L3.232

Phone : +32 2 650 48 23
Email : alejandro.goldar.davila@ulb.be


Alejandro Goldar D. (Caracas, 1988) received the Chemical Engineering degree and the MSc. in Systems Engineering from the Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela) in 2010 and 2014, respectively. Between 2014 and 2017 he was an assistant professor at the same university, obtaining the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2016.

In 2017, he joins the SAAS to do his doctoral studies within the BATWAL project, obtaining his Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology Sciences from the ULB in 2021. Currently, he is the lead researcher of the Spin-Off Project Fast&Safe (Safe and Fast charge of Lithium-ion batteries) supported by Innoviris whose is aim is to develop charging algorithms and chargers to charge safely and fast Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs).

Research Activities

His research interests include modeling, simulation, and constrained control of biochemical, electrochemical and chemical processes mainly focusing on beer production processes, wastewater treatment and energy management systems for LIBs.



Updated on December 20, 2023