1. Polytech
  2. SAAS
  3. Projects

SAAS Past Projects

MONISA – Health monitoring of an EMA for aircraft primary flight surface control

Contact : Michel Kinnaert

Multilayer adaptive thin shell reflectors for future space telescopes

Contact : Michel KINNAERT

Optimization Free Constrained Control

Contact: Emanuele GARONE

MOBIDALAB : Design of a new didactic device for practical learning of the control theory

Contact: Michel KINNAERT

Robust fault detection and isolation for distributed dynamical networks; Application to lithium-ion battery packs

Contact : Michel KINNAERT

PANTHEON : Precision farming of hazelnut orchards 

Contact : Emanuele GARONE

CAT AVIATOR: Control of an Autonomous Tethered Aerial Vehicle for Inspection Applications with Tele-Operation Requirements

Contact : Emanuele GARONE

COPTERS: Control of physically interacting terrestrial and aerial swarms

Contact : Emanuele GARONE

Sensor fault detection and isolation in wireless sensor networks

Contact : Michel KINNAERT

Optimal Constrained Set Point Regulation for Networks of Systems

Contact : Michel KINNAERT

Constrained control of lithium-ion battery based on an electrochemical model (EchM)

Researcher: Alejandro GOLDAR DAVILA

Study and design of a management system based on an electrochemical model (EChM) for fault tolerant pack of paintable batteries

Contact: Michel KINNAERT

Optimization of the production of Fructo-Oligosaccharides

Contact Michel KINNAERT
In cooperation with UMONS

More Grids – Model Reduction and Simplification for Dynamic Grid Security Studies

Contact : Michel KINNAERT

Fault diagnosis in on-shore wind farms based on linear parameter-varying (LPV) models

Contact : Michel KINNAERT
In cooperation with VUB ELEC

ECOPTINE – Energy aCcumulation to OPtimize electrical Traction Infrastructure Efficiency

Researcher: Laurent Catoire

Updated on April 12, 2024